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Trial 'n Error Details


The original idea for this game included maze-like environments in which the player opened and closed gates for the running person to reach the end. However, during playtesting this idea failed. I was able to switch the idea relatively quick.

My second paper prototype reflected the new direction this game was taking. Instead of gates, the player would be covering gaps with small blocks to allow the runner to pass. This prototype proved much more fun for players as they said they felt more connected to the gameplay.

Mobile Whitebox

I focused on getting all of the game's mechanics in and working first. As a whitebox prototype, I wanted to make sure the game worked and was fun for players before working on the art.

After putting in all of the art, this was the final result. The rooms are outlined by the specific wall blocks, and the floors use a darker tone of the same color. Each room is a different color to be visually different. the gaps are simply not colored in to represent holes in the floor, and the blocks used to cover the gaps are wooden planks to be easily distinguished from the floor.

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